Storage Refresh
Storage Refresh is performed in the context of two types of targets: host target and group target.
Storage Refresh in Context of Host Target
Storage Refresh functionality, in the context of a host target, allows you to refresh the storage data in your Enterprise Manager repository by:
Forcing Enterprise Manager to perform a real-time collection of all storage attributes from the host, and
Uploading the storage attributes into the Enterprise Manager repository
Once the refresh operation is complete, the Storage UI pages display the latest information about the host.
Storage Refresh in Context of Group Target
Storage Refresh functionality, in the context of a group target, allows you to refresh the storage data in your Enterprise Manager repository by:
Forcing Enterprise Manager to do a real-time collection of all storage attributes from all the member hosts of the group, and
Uploading the storage attributes into the Enterprise Manager repository
Since this refresh could take some time, depending on the number of hosts involved, the functionality is provided as an Enterprise Manager job submission.
Once the refresh job is complete, the Storage UI pages display the latest information about the group.