Storage Utilization

Storage utilization is provided at the host level when launched in the context of a host target and associated hosts level when launched in the context of a group.

In the context of a host, the storage items are: Disks, Volumes, ASM (Automatic Storage Management), File Systems, Databases, and Vendor Distribution.

In the context of a group, the storage properties for the associated hosts are: Provisioning Summary by Host, Consumption Summary by Host, and Vendor Distribution

The graphs present historical trends over a period of time. Based on this intelligence, you can take appropriate action on the target host or group as necessary. Appropriate actions include:

  • Buying and adding more storage

  • Deleting underutilized application data after archiving

  • Deleting unneeded application data

  • Altering the storage deployment configuration for optimal use

Note: The storage information shown in a group is the aggregate of the individual host information of the associated hosts in the group.