Target Properties

The host command is executed using the Enterprise Manager job system. The job system allows you to specify system variables called target properties. The supported target properties are listed in the following table. Note that the available properties change according to the type of target the job is run against.

Name Description Target Type


Location of Management Agent

Host, Database Instance


Location of Perl binary used by Management Agent

Host, Database Instance


Target Name

Host, Database Instance


Target Type

Host, Database Instance



Host, Database Instance



Host, Database Instance


Deployment Type

Host, Database Instance


Line of Business

Host, Database Instance



Host, Database Instance


Oracle home path

Database Instance



Database Instance


Database SID

Database Instance


Database Role

Database Instance


Listener Machine Name

Database Instance

Note the following:

  • Property names are case-sensitive.

  • Properties can be used in both the Command and OS Script fields.

  • To use the % character without a target property, escape it with a second %.

  • To use the Database Instance target type, launch Execute Host Command from a group containing one or more host targets and switch the Target Type.


To execute a Perl script, passing in the target name as an argument, enter the following in the Command field: %perlbin%/perl myPerlScript %TargetName%

To execute a program in the directory identified by the TEMP environment variable on a Windows host: %%TEMP%%/myProgram