Troubleshooting Linux Provisioning Issues

I cannot see my stage, boot server in the UI to configure them with the provisioning application?

Either Management Agents have not been installed on the Stage or Boot Server machine, or it is not uploading data to the OMS. For more information see Troubleshooting in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide for troubleshooting information and known issues.

Bare metal machine is not coming up since it cannot locate the Boot file.

Verify the DHCP settings /etc/dhcpd.conf and TFTP settings for the target machine. Check whether the services (DHCPD, Xinetd, Portmap) are running. Make the necessary setting changes if required or start the required services if they are down.

Bare Metal box is not getting booted over network, or DHCP server does not get a DHCPDISCOVER message for the MAC address of the bare metal machine.

Edit the DHCP configuration to include the IP address of the subnet where the bare metal machine is being booted up.

Agent Installation fails after operating system has been provisioned on the bare metal box, or No host name is assigned to the bare metal box after provisioning the operating system

This might happen if the get-lease-hostnames entry in the dhcpd.conf file is set to true. Edit the dhcpd.conf file to set get-lease-hostnames entry to false. Also, ensure that length of the host name is compatible with length of the operating system host name.

Bare metal machine hangs after initial boot up (TFTP error/kernel error).

This may happen if the TFTP service is not running. Enable the tftp service. Go to the /etc/xinetd.d/tftp file and change the disable flag to: disable=no. Also verify the DHCP settings.

Kernel panic occurs when the Bare Metal machine boots up.

Verify the DHCP settings and TFTP settings for the target machine and make the necessary changes as required. In a rare case, the intird and vmlinuz copied may be corrupted. Copying them from RPM repository again would fix the problem.

Bare metal machine hangs after loading the initial kernel image.

This may happen if the network is half duplex. Half duplex network is not directly supported, however a modification in the kickstart file will resolve this issue. Modify ethtool -s eth0 duplex half to ethtool -s eth0 duplex full in the kickstart file.

Bare Metal machine cannot locate the kickstart file (Redhat screen appears for manually entering the values such as 'language', 'keyboard' etc).

This happens if STAGE_TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY is not mountable or not accessible. Make sure the stage top level is network accessible to the target machine. Though very rare but this might also happen because of any problem in resolving the stage server hostname. Enter the IP address of the stage or the NAS server instead of hostname on which they are located, and try the provisioning operation again.

Bare Metal machine does not go ahead with the silent installation (Redhat screen appears for manually entering the network details).

Verify that DNS is configured for the stage server host name, and that DHCP is configured to deliver correct DNS information to the target machine. If the problem persists, specify the IP address of the stage or NAS server instead of hostname, and try the provisioning operation again.

After provisioning, the machine is not registered in Enterprise Manager.

This happens if Enterprise Manager Agent is not placed in the STAGE_TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY before provisioning operation. Place the Enterprise Manager agent in this directory, and try the operation again. It might also happen if the OMS registration password provided for securing the agents is incorrect. Go to the agent oracle home on the target machine, and run the emctl secure agent command supplying the correct OMS registration password.

Check the time zone of the OMS and the provisioned operating system. Modify the time zone of the provisioned operating system to match with the OMS time zone.

With 64-bit OS provisioning, agent is not installed.

During OS provisioning, specify the full path of the agent RPM in the Advanced Operating System Properties page.

Provisioning operations cannot be initiated since either one or all of Stage Server, Boot Server, and RPM Repository have not been configured in the Infrastructure page.

Set up at least one stage server, boot server, and RPM repository to proceed with Linux Provisioning.

Submitting the deployment operations shows error: "An unexpected error has occured. Please check the log files for details." Logs have the corresponding message: "ComponentType with internal name BMPType not found"

Set up Software Library from the Software Library console.

The deployment procedure fails with directory permission error.

This error occurs because of insufficient user privileges on the stage server machine. STAGE_TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY should have write permission for the stage server user. In case of NAS, the NAS directory should be mounted on the staging server. If the error appears while writing to the boot directory, then the boot server user must have the write permission.

Bare metal box fails to boot with "reverse name lookup failed" error.

Verify that the DNS has the entry for the IP address and the host name.

Fetching properties from reference machine throws the error: " Credentials specified does not have root access"

Verify if the credentials specified for the reference machine has sudo access.

Following Package/Package Group are not available in the RPM Repository. Either update the Package List or select the correct RPM Repository in the Deployment page.

Verify that the RPM packages mentioned in the error message are present in the repository, and that they are spelled correctly. If not, either copy the packages to the repository or do not install them.