User and Group Administration (Groups)

The User and Group Administration (Groups) page provides a list of all the groups on the host and their statistics. Using this page, you can:

  • Access the page to edit group statistics.

  • Access the page to add a group to the host.

  • Delete a group from the host.

  • Refresh updates group administration page with latest list of groups available on the host. This is helpful to fetch updates which are done directly on host, instead through Enterprise Manager.

  • View the statistics of particular groups.

Group Statistic Description

Group Name

Name of the group.

Group ID

Group identifier. This identifier is unique to the group.

Group Members

Groups that belong to the group. Group shares the permissions given to the subordinate groups.

Note: This feature is only available on Linux.

Adding or Editing a Local Group

The Add New Local Group page provides you the opportunity to add a group to this host. On the Add New Local Group page, you can add information for the fields listed in the following table:

Group Information Description

Group Name

Name of the group.

Group ID

Group identifier. This identifier is unique to the group.

Group Members

Groups that belong to this group. Group shares the permissions given to the subordinate groups. Group names are separated by a comma. Do not include any spaces: for example, adm,daemon,root.

When editing a local group, you can:

  • Change the group ID

  • Add, delete, or change group members