Custom Pre and Post Scripts for Fleet Operations

In order to support automated maintenance activities for different Fleet Maintenance operations, the support for configuring Pre and Post scripts for different operations is implemented. Pre and Post scripts need to be uploaded as EM Software Library Entity (Directive) prior to their usage with Fleet Maintenance operations. Pre and Ppost script usage is supported with DEPLOY, UPDATE, CLEANUP and ROLLBACK operations.

Creating and Using Custom Pre/Post Scripts:

  1. To develop your pre/post script, see: Custom Script Considerations.
  2. To upload custom scripts to the Software Library, see: Software Library Entity For Uploading The Script.
  3. Capture the URN for the Software Library Entity, see: How to Get URN for SWLIB Entity.
  4. Specify the Pre and Post script Software Library URN entity in the EMCLI input file., see: Pre/Post Script Usage.