REST API examples for Enterprise Manager environments using GIMR.

Subscribe GIMR Target

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/imagesubscriptions
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json

Targets 'example-cluster' subscribed successfully.

Description of the Input Variables

  • imageID: Image GUID number.
  • targetList: Coma separated list of cluster targets to be patched.
  • targetType: Refer to CLI Command Inputs Based on Entity Type table.
  • gimr: Determines if target is a cluster database, set to "true".

Deploy GIMR Target

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/fleetmaintenance/performOperation/deploy
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json



For GIMR upgrade from 18c/19c to 21c or higher, the\group inputs are mandatory. For GIMR update/upgrade from 21c to higher version, the group details are optional.
	"name": "Deploy GIMR Home",
	"targetName" : "sample-cluster",
	"targetType" : "cluster",
	"normalCredString" : "USER:SYSMAN",
	"privCredString" : "ROOT:SYSMAN",
	"skipCVUChecks" : "true",
	"skipPrereqs" : "true",
	"newOracleHomeLoc" : "/scratch/cuser/app/grid_home/",
Processing target: sample-cluster
Current CRS Location: /scratch/cuser/app/grid_home/18.3.0/grid_home_18
Current CRS Location: /scratch/cuser/app/grid_home/18.3.0/grid_home_18
Current GIMR Location: /scratch/cuser/app/grid_home/18.3.0/grid_home_18
Checking image subscription...
Check image subscription passed.
Checking if target is in non-default location inside the Oracle Home...
Oracle home target list is 985127A8E0D0E0CE8EC38C07A219E43D,243BC04B4F5FCBF20FE9B8030B5F481F
Operation 'Deploy GIMR Home' created successfully.
Deploy Oracle home software operation for GIMR target example-cluster can be monitored using



Description of the Input Variables

  • name: Name of the operation.
  • targetName: Name of the target.
  • targetType: Refer to CLI Command Inputs Based on Entity Type table.
  • normalCredString: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.
  • privCredString: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.

    These credentials are used to run scripts as root.

  • skipCVUChecks: true|false. Default value is false
  • skipPrereqs: true|false. Default value is false
  • gimr: Determines if target is a cluster database, set to "true".
  • newOracleHomeLoc: <Location where Oracle Home will be created
  • gimrOsDbaGroup: Mandatory (GIMR only) group for target deployment.
  • gimrOsOperGroup: Mandatory (GIMR only) group for target deployment.
  • gimrOsBackupDbaGroup: Mandatory (GIMR only) group for target deployment.
  • gimrOsDgDbaGroup: Mandatory (GIMR only) group for target deployment.
  • gimrOsKmDbaGroup: Mandatory (GIMR only) group for target deployment.
  • gimrOsRacDbaGroup: Mandatory (GIMR only) group for target deployment.
  • gimrOsInstallGroup: Mandatory (GIMR only) group for target deployment.

Update GIMR Target

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/fleetmaintenance/performOperation/update
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json

"name": "Update GIMR",
"targetName" : "example-cluster",
"targetType" : "cluster",
"normalCredString" : "USER:SYSMAN",
"privCredString" : "ROOT:SYSMAN",
Checking if target is already running from the current version of the image...
Check Passed.
Checking image subscription...
Check image subscription passed.
Checking if target is in non-default location inside the Oracle Home...
Operation 'Update GIMR' created successfully.
Update operation for GIMR target <example-cluster> can be monitored using:

Description of the Input Variables

  • name: Name of the operation.
  • targetName: Name of the target.
  • targetType: Refer to CLI Command Inputs Based on Entity Type table.
  • normalCredString: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.
  • privCredString: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.

    These credentials are used to run scripts as root.

  • gimrOperation: Type of GIMR operation to be performed.

Upgrade GIMR Target

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/fleetmaintenance/performOperation/update
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json

"name": "Upgrade GIMR",
"targetName" : "example-cluster",
"targetType" : "cluster",
"normalCredString" : "USER:SYSMAN",
"privCredString" : "ROOT:SYSMAN",
Checking if target is already running from the current version of the image...
Check Passed.
Checking image subscription...
Check image subscription passed.
Checking if target is in non-default location inside the Oracle Home...
Operation 'Upgrade GIMR' created successfully.
Upgrade operation for GIMR target <example-cluster> can be monitored using:

Description of the Input Variables

  • name: Name of the operation.
  • targetName: Name of the target.
  • targetType: Refer to CLI Command Inputs Based on Entity Type table.
  • normalCredString: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.
  • privCredString: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.

    These credentials are used to run scripts as root.

  • gimrOperation: Type of GIMR operation to be performed.

Rollback GIMR

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/fleetmaintenance/performOperation/rollback
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json

	"name": "Rollback GIMR",
	"targetName" : "example-cluster",
	"targetType" : "cluster",
	"normalCredString" : "USER:SYSMAN",
	"privCredString" : "ROOT:SYSMAN",
CChecking if target is already running from the current version of the image...
Check Passed.
Checking image subscription...
Check image subscription passed.
Checking if target is in non-default location inside the Oracle Home...
Operation 'Rollback GIMR' created successfully.
Update operation for GIMR target <example-cluster> can be monitored using:

Description of the Input Variables

  • name: Name of the operation.
  • targetName: Name of the target.
  • targetType: Refer to CLI Command Inputs Based on Entity Type table.
  • normalCredString: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.
  • privCredString: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.

    These credentials are used to run scripts as root.

  • gimrOperation: Type of GIMR operation to be performed.