Fleet Maintenance Image and Subscription REST APIs

Gold Image is the end of state software definition that contains information about the base software version along with the additional patches. The 'end-state definition' is the logical term; the physical software binary component that represents the end-state is called as a gold image. For more information on gold image , see the standard configuration described in Get Organized With Standardization Advisor.

Get a List of Software Images

Features Description
Request Method GET
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/softwareimages
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json

		"totalResults": 2,
		"items": [
				"name": "RAC1917_a",
				"id": "4B7738536B6E7888E053057FB10ACF8C",
				"description": "RAC191_a",
				"version": "19.17.0",
				"platformName": "Linux x86-64",
				"dateCreated": "2023-03-24 15:09:21.0",
				"owner": "SYSMAN",
				"lastModifiedBy": "SYSMAN"
				"name": "RAC1917_b",
				"id": "4B620EC24DCE61FAE053057FB10AC7D0",
				"description": "RAC191_b",
				"version": "19.17.0",
				"platformName": "Linux x86-64",
				"dateCreated": "2023-03-23 13:16:51.0",
				"owner": "SYSMAN",
				"lastModifiedBy": "SYSMAN"

Create a Gold Image with Patching

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/softwareimages
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

"imageName" : "fm_19c_image1",
"imageDescription" : "fm_19c_image1_description",
"refHostCredential" : "SRC_HOST_CREDS:ADMIN",
"swLibStorageName":"swlib" ,
"versionName":"fm_version1" ,
	"messages": ["Create Gold Image operation has been submitted successfully with the instance name : 
	'CreateGoldImageProfile_SYSMAN_03_27_2023_10_13_AM' and execution_guid=4BB1192C1A2F2AB3E053057FB10A792E",
	“You can track the status of operation using the following:”, 
	“EMCLI: emcli get_instance_status -exec=4BAFFB4FD4ED1B34E053057FB10A99BF”,
	"Browser:  https://blr123.example.com:111111/em/faces/core-jobs-procedureExecutionTracking?executionGUID=4BB1192C1A2F2AB3E053057FB10A792E"
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • imageName: The name of the gold image. This name must be unique across images.
  • imageDescription: A description of the image.
  • refTargetName: The Oracle home target that will be used to create this gold image. This is the database or Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home from the existing environment on which the PSU and all the one-off patches have been applied. To find the reference target name, enter the following query on the Enterprise Manager repository:
    SELECT  distinct target_name FROM mgmt$target_properties 
    WHERE target_name IN (SELECT target_name FROM mgmt_targets 
    WHERE target_type='oracle_home'
    AND host_name=<Host Name of this Oracle Home>
    AND property_name='INSTALL_LOCATION'
    AND property_value=<path of Oracle Home>) 
  • imageSwLibLocation: Path in software library where the payload of the gold image will be stored.
  • refHostCredential: This is applicable for Database Gold Image only. This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner>
  • refHostRootCredential: This is applicable for Database Gold Image only. This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner>
  • workingDirectory: The temporary location on the host of reference Oracle home target.
  • swLibStorageType: The Software Library storage type. This can be OMS Shared, OMS Agent File system, or NFS (NFS requires Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 13 [] or higher).
  • nfsLocalMountPoint: The absolute path for the NFS local mount, if this parameter is not specified the workingDirectory location will be used as default instead. NFS is available for Enterprise Manager deployments 13.5 Release Update 13 ( and higher. This field is only required for NFS storage, it is not required for OMS Storage options.
  • swLibStorageName: The storage name for the Software Library. To retrieve this storage name, from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library. In the Software Library page, from the Actions menu, select Administration. On this page, check the value in the Name column to retrieve the storage name for the Software Library.
  • versionName: An image can have multiple versions. A default version of the image is created and more versions can be added.
  • patchList: List of patches to be included in Gold Image.

Create Software Image

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/softwareimages
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

	"imageName": "RAC1917_a",
	"imageDescription": "RAC1917_a",
	"refTargetName": "OraDB12Home1_1_example.exampledomain.com_190",
	"imageSwLibLocation": "DB Provisioning/19.17.0/goldimage",
	"refHostCredential": "NC_HOST_2023-03-18-103539:SYSMAN",
	"workingDirectory": "/u01/tmp",
	"swLibStorageType": "<OmsShared/NFS>",
	"swLibStorageName": "swlib",
	"versionName": "PSUNo"
	"messages": ["Create Gold Image operation has been submitted successfully with the instance name : 
	'CreateGoldImageProfile_SYSMAN_03_27_2023_10_13_AM' and execution_guid=4BB1192C1A2F2AB3E053057FB10A792E",
	“You can track the status of operation using the following:”, 
	“EMCLI: emcli get_instance_status -exec=4BAFFB4FD4ED1B34E053057FB10A99BF”,
	"Browser:  https://blr123.example.com:111111/em/faces/core-jobs-procedureExecutionTracking?executionGUID=4BB1192C1A2F2AB3E053057FB10A792E"
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • imageName: The name of the gold image. This name must be unique across images.
  • imageDescription: A description of the image.
  • refTargetName: The Oracle home target that will be used to create this gold image. This is the database or Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home from the existing environment on which the PSU and all the one-off patches have been applied. To find the reference target name, enter the following query on the Enterprise Manager repository:
    SELECT  distinct target_name FROM mgmt$target_properties 
    WHERE target_name IN (SELECT target_name FROM mgmt_targets 
    WHERE target_type='oracle_home'
    AND host_name=<Host Name of this Oracle Home>
    AND property_name='INSTALL_LOCATION'
    AND property_value=<path of Oracle Home>) 
  • imageSwLibLocation: Path in software library where the payload of the gold image will be stored.
  • refHostCredential: This is applicable for Database Gold Image only. This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner>
  • workingDirectory: The temporary location on the host of reference Oracle home target.
  • swLibStorageType: The Software Library storage type. This can be OMS Shared or OMS Agent File system.
  • swLibStorageName: The storage name for the Software Library. To retrieve this storage name, from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library. In the Software Library page, from the Actions menu, select Administration. On this page, check the value in the Name column to retrieve the storage name for the Software Library.
  • nfsLocalMountPoint: The absolute path for the NFS local mount, if this parameter is not specified the workingDirectory location will be used as default instead. NFS is available for Enterprise Manager deployments 13.5 Release Update 13 ( and higher. This field is only required for NFS storage, it is not required for OMS Storage options.
  • versionName: An image can have multiple versions. A default version of the image is created and more versions can be added.

Export Software Images

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/exportsoftwareimage
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json

Export Gold Image operation has been submitted successfully with the instance name : 
'ExportSoftwareImage_SYSMAN_08_03_2023_11_11_AM' and execution_guid='C89D73FD58D949D5E0532D814564D35C'
You can track the status of operation using the following:Browser: 

Description of the Input Variables in payload

  • imageName: The name of the gold image. This name must be unique across images.
  • destHostName: The name of the destination host.
  • destHostCredential: Destination host credential to be used. This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner>
  • goldImageBundleLocation: Location of Gold Image bundle, location must be discovered and accesible by Enterprise Manager. NFS can be used for Export and Import operations, enter the NFS location path.
  • goldImageBundleName: The Zip file name of the Gold Image bundle.

Import a Software Image

Features Description
Request Method POST
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

	"imageName":"21c patched image - imported",
	"imageDescription":"21c patched imported image",
	"imageSwLibLocation":"Database Provisioning Profiles/",
	"versionName":"21c patched image"
Import Gold Image operation has been submitted successfully with the instance name : 'ImportSoftwareImage_SYSMAN_08_03_2021_17_26_PM' and execution_guid='C8A6F40E654A7809E0532D814564D0EB'
You can track the status of operation using the following:
Browser: https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/faces/core-jobs-procedureExecutionTracking?executionGUID=C8A6F40E654A7809E0532D814564D0EB

Description of the Input Variables in payload

  • imageName: The name of the gold image. This name must be unique across images.


    Parameters imageName or imageId can be provided for import software image REST API. If imageId is provided, the new version for the given imageId will be imported.
  • imageDescription: A description of the image.
  • hostName: The name of the host.
  • hostCredential: Host credential to be used. This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner>
  • goldImageBundleLocation: Location of Gold Image bundle, location must be discovered and accesible by Enterprise Manager.
  • goldImageBundleName: The Zip file name of the Gold Image bundle.
  • imageSwLibLocation: Path in software library where the payload of the gold image will be stored.
  • workingDirectory: The temporary location on the host of reference Oracle home target.
  • swLibStorageType: The Software Library storage type. This can be OMS Shared, OMS Agent File system or NFS (NFS requires Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 13 [] or higher).
  • swLibStorageName: The storage name for the Software Library. To retrieve this storage name, from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library. In the Software Library page, from the Actions menu, select Administration. On this page, check the value in the Name column to retrieve the storage name for the Software Library.
  • nfsLocalMountPoint: The absolute path for the NFS local mount, if this parameter is not specified the workingDirectory location will be used as default instead. NFS is available for Enterprise Manager deployments 13.5 Release Update 13 ( and higher. This field is only required for NFS storage, it is not required for OMS Storage options.
  • versionName: An image can have multiple versions. A default version of the image is created and more versions can be added.

Check Applicability of a Software Image

Features Description
Request Method POST
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

"applicableStatus": "Image is applicable. More Information: Image have 96 additional bugs fixed.",
"totalBugs": 96,
"bugList": [{
"bugNum": "19134173",
"patchId": "20082080",
}, {
"bugNum": "19309466",
"patchId": "20082080",
"bugDesc": "Fix for Bug 19309466"
}, {
"bugNum": "19518079",
"patchId": "20082080",
}, {
"bugNum": "19189525",
"patchId": "20082079",
"bugNum": "19382851",
"patchId": "20082080",
"totalPatches": 0,
"patchList": []

Description of the Input Variables in payload

  • imageName: The name of the gold image. This name must be unique across images.
  • targetList: Name of the target
  • targetType: Refer to CLI Command Inputs Based on Entity Type table.

Search Software Images

The search can be filtered using various inputs as query parameters. The allowed query parameters are:
  • name
  • version
  • description
  • owner
  • target _type
Following is an example using query parameter “Name”:
Features Description
Request Method GET
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json

	"totalResults": 1,
	"items": [
			"name": "RAC1917_a",
			"id": "4B7738536B6E7888E053057FB10ACF8C",
			"description": "RAC1917",
			"version": "19.17.0",
			"platformName": "Linux x86-64",
			"dateCreated": "2023-03-24 15:09:21.0",
			"owner": "SYSMAN",
			"lastModifiedBy": "SYSMAN"

Delete a software image

Features Description
Request Method DELETE
https://</a><OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/softwareimages?image_id=<image id>
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json



If image_id is passed in the URI, the payload image_id in not required.
	"image_id" : "4B7738536B6E7888E053057FB10ACF8C"
		"messages" : "Image with id=4B7738536B6E7888E053057FB10ACF8C  deleted successfully"

Description of the Input Variables in payload

  • image_id: The GUID of the image.

Subscribing Targets to the Selected Image

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/imagesubscriptions
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

For single target entry:
	"imageId" : "<image id>",
	"targetName" : "<Examplerep_Database>",
	"targetType" : "<example_database>"
For multiple target entry:
	"imageId" : "<image id>",
	"targetList" : "<targetname1,targetname2>",
	"targetType" : "<target type>",
	"standbyAutoSubscribe" : "true",
	"noCascade": "true",
	"gimr" : "true"
	"messages": [
		"Target 'Examplerep_Database' subscribed successfully."
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • imageId: The GUID of the image.
  • targetType: The target type of the target to be subscribed to this image.
  • targetName: The name of the target.
  • targetList: A list of names of the targets to be subscribed.
  • standbyAutoSubscribe: If it is set as false, standby databases will not be subscribed automatically. Default value is true.
  • noCascade: If it is set as true, PDBs of the CDBs will not be subscribed to the image.
  • gimr: If it is set as true, the GIMR of the cluster will be subscribed to the image. Default value is false.

Listing Subscriptions of an Image

Features Description
Request Method GET
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/imagesubscriptions?image_id=<image_id>https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/softwareimages"
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Accept: application/json

  "totalResults": 5,
  "items": [{
    "imageId": "D572786F3CE031C9E0532D81456415BC",
    "targetGuid": "01DB50F6963F0E39C72F8651DCC93A6A",
    "parentGuid": "DCDC55D15C2B413772E442DA6D6CCE70",
    "dateSubscribed": "2022-01-13 15:52:28.0"
  }, {
    "imageId": "D572786F3CE031C9E0532D81456415BC",
    "targetGuid": "6A23FD99A8B6A7780AE930377D6B53D0",
    "dateSubscribed": "2022-02-03 17:09:11.0"
  }, {
    "imageId": "D572786F3CE031C9E0532D81456415BC",
    "targetGuid": "7E6BEB235D6653F9E03C1C9EC4C2560B",
    "parentGuid": "DCDC55D15C2B413772E442DA6D6CCE70",
    "dateSubscribed": "2022-01-13 15:52:28.0"
  }, {
    "imageId": "D572786F3CE031C9E0532D81456415BC",
    "targetGuid": "B2C9231A5BEAC5B6C58EA6A75A8962B6",
    "parentGuid": "DCDC55D15C2B413772E442DA6D6CCE70",
    "dateSubscribed": "2022-01-13 15:52:28.0"
  }, {
    "imageId": "D572786F3CE031C9E0532D81456415BC",
    "targetGuid": "DCDC55D15C2B413772E442DA6D6CCE70",
    "dateSubscribed": "2022-01-13 15:52:28.0"
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • imageId: The GUID of the image.
  • targetGuid: The target GUID.
  • dateSubscribed: Subscription date, must be entered in the format "YEAR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MS"

UnSubscribing Targets from the Selected Image

Features Description
Request Method DELETE
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/imagesubscriptions
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

	"imageId" : "4B620EC24DCE61FAE053057FB10AC7D0",
	"targetName" : "Examplerep_Database",
	"targetType" : "example_database",
	"noCascade" : "true",
	"messages": [
		"Target 'Examplerep_Database' unsubscribed successfully."
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • imageId: The GUID of the image.
  • targetType: The target type of the target to be unsubscribed from this image.
  • targetName: The name of the target.
  • noCascade: If it is set as true, PDBs of the CDBs will not be subscribed to the image.

Listing Target Subscriptions of an Image

Features Description
Request Method PUT
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/targetsubscriptions
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

	"targetName" : "Examplerep_Database",
	"targetType" : "example_database"
	"totalResults": 1,
	"items": [
			"targetName": "Examplerep_Database",
			"targetType": "example_database",
			"imageId": "4B7738536B6E7888E053057FB10ACF8C",
			"imageName": "RAC121_a",
			"subscriptionDate": "2017-03-27 10:06:00.0"
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • targetType: The target type of the target.
  • targetName: The name of the target.

Creating Version of Image

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/softwareimages"
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

	"imageId": " 4B7738536B6E7888E053057FB10ACF8C",
	"refTargetName": "OraDB12Home1_1_slc06nag.example.com_190",
	"imageSwLibLocation": "DB Provisioning/",
	"refHostCredential": "NC_HOST_2017-03-18-103539:SYSMAN",
	"workingDirectory": "/tmp",
	"swLibStorageType": "OmsShared",
	"swLibStorageName": "swlib",
	"versionName": "PSUNo"
	"messages": ["Create Gold Image operation has been submitted successfully with the instance name :
	'CreateGoldImageProfile_SYSMAN_03_27_2017_10_13_AM' and execution_guid=4BB1192C1A2F2AB3E053057FB10A792E",
	“You can track the status of operation using the following:”,
	“EMCLI: emcli get_instance_status -exec=4BAFFB4FD4ED1B34E053057FB10A99BF”,
		"Browser:  https://blr123.example.com:11111/em/faces/core-jobs-procedureExecutionTracking?executionGUID=4BB1192C1A2F2AB3E053057FB10A792E"
Description of Input parameters in payload
  • imageId: The GUID of the image.
  • refTargetName: The Oracle home target that will be used to create this gold image. This is the database or Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home from the existing environment on which the PSU and all the one-off patches have been applied. To find the reference target name, enter the following query on the Enterprise Manager repository:
    SELECT  distinct target_name FROM mgmt$target_properties
    WHERE target_name IN (SELECT target_name FROM mgmt_targets 
    WHERE target_type='oracle_home'
    AND host_name=<Host Name of this Oracle Home>
    AND property_name='INSTALL_LOCATION'
    AND property_value=<path of Oracle Home>)
  • imageSwLibLocation : Path in software library where the payload of the gold image will be stored.
  • refHostCredential: This is applicable for Database Gold Image only. This must be entered in the format<Named Credential: Credential Owner>
  • workingDirectory: The temporary location on the host of reference Oracle home target.
  • swLibStorageType: The Software Library storage type. This can be OMS Shared or OMS Agent File system.
  • swLibStorageName: The storage name for the Software Library. To retrieve this storage name, from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library. In the Software Library page, from the Actions menu, select Administration. On this page, check the value in the Name column to retrieve the storage name for the Software Library.
  • versionName: An image can have multiple versions. A default version of the image is created and more versions can be added.

Listing Versions

Features Description
Request Method GET
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/versions?image_id=4B7738536B6E7888E053057FB10ACF8C
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

	"totalResults": 1,
	"items": [
			"name": "PSUNos",
			"versionId": "4BAFA861A7ED6603E053057FB10A0588",
			"imageId": "4B7738536B6E7888E053057FB10ACF8C",
			"externalId": "oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_OracleDB:4BAFA861A7E96603E053057FB10A0588:0.1",
			"status": "CURRENT",
			"position": "1",
			"hashCode": "C1622270664:B<NO_PATCHES>",
			"dateCreated": "2017-03-27 10:13:28.0",
			"provisioningStatus": "READY"

Recommended Patches

Features Description
Request Method GET
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/E0D780B614811C8FE05334814564FF08/patchRecommendations
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

    "messages": {
        "uploadPatches": "To upload recommended patches in EM use the following command: emcli upload_patches -from_host='host_name' -patch_files='metadata_file_path;ZIP_file_path' [-cred_name='name' -cred_owner='owner']. In online connection mode, the patches can be directly downloaded to EM as well.",
        "createNewVersion": "To create a new version of the image with the recommended patches see: https://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=en/enterprise-manager&id=EMLCM-GUID-431C8AE4-774B-4DD8-89A5-A6A30B071740"
    "totalRecommendedPatches": 7,
    "recommendedPatches": "[33881712,32579178,33803476,33806152,30133696,33808367,33881715]",
    "recommendedPatchesDetails": [
            "patchId": "33881712",
            "patchDescription": "QUARTERLY FULL STACK DOWNLOAD PATCH FOR EXADATA (APR2022 - 19.15)"
            "patchId": "32579178",
            "patchDescription": "QUARTERLY FULL STACK DOWNLOAD PATCH FOR EXADATA (APR2021 - 19.11)"
            "patchId": "33803476",
            "patchDescription": "GI RELEASE UPDATE"
            "patchId": "33806152",
            "patchDescription": "DATABASE RELEASE UPDATE"
            "patchId": "30133696",
            "patchDescription": "QUARTERLY FULL STACK DOWNLOAD PATCH FOR EXADATA (OCT2019 - 19.5)"
            "patchId": "33808367",
            "patchDescription": "OJVM RELEASE UPDATE"
            "patchId": "33881715",
            "patchDescription": "QUARTERLY FULL STACK DOWNLOAD PATCH FOR EXADATA (APR2022 - 21.6)"


To include a bug list with the patch recommendation add ?include=bugs at the end of the URI.

Image Description

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI /em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/describeimage
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

  "totalBugs": 96,
  "bugList": [{
    "bugNum": "19134173",
    "patchId": "20082080",
    "patchUpi": "",
  }, {
    "bugNum": "19309466",
    "patchId": "20082080",
    "patchUpi": "",
    "bugDesc": "Fix for Bug 19309466"
  }, {
    "bugNum": "19518079",
    "patchId": "20082080",
    "patchUpi": "",
    "bugNum": "19382851",
    "patchId": "20082080",
    "patchUpi": "",
  "totalPatches": 4,
  "patchList": [{
    "patchId": "20140673",
    "patchDesc": "OCW Interim patch for 20140673"
  }, {
    "patchId": "20119232",
    "patchDesc": "Database Release Update"
  }, {
    "patchId": "20082080",
    "patchDesc": "Database Release Update (20082080)"
  }, {
    "patchId": "20082079",
    "patchDesc": "Database Release Update (20082079)"
Description of Input parameters in payload
  • imageId: The GUID of the image.
  • bugs: Optional parameter whose default value is false. If "bugs" is set as false, only patch information will be shown.

Update Version Status

Features Description
Request Method POST
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/updateversionstatus
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

Version ID 'C8A75F54F77332F9E0532D814564757A' updated successfully.
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • versionId: The GUID of the version.
  • versionStatus: Sets status to "ACTIVE" during update.

Deleting Versions

Features Description
Request Method DELETE
URI https://<OMS_CONSOLE_HOST>:OMS_CONSOLE_PORT>/em/websvcs/restful/emws/db/goldimage/versions
Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/json

"versionId": "4BB099D42CC8671EE053057FB10A07DA"
	"messages": [
		"The following version will be deleted. 4BB099D42CC8671EE053057FB10A07DA"
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • versionId: The GUID of the version.

Migrate Listener

Feature Description
Request Method POST


Request Header Authorization: basic <generated credential value>

Content-Type: application/json

"name" : "migrate_listener",
"targetName" : “DB1",
"privCredString": "$PRIV_CRED"
Processing target: blr123.example.com
Checking if target is already running from the current version of the image...
Checking image subscription...
Check image subscription passed.
Checking if target is in non-default location inside the Oracle Home...
Operation 'Migrate Listener' created successfully.
Listener migration for blr123.example.com can be monitored using
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • name: Operation name, migrate_listener.
  • description: Description of the operation
  • targetName: Target database name
  • targetType: Refer to EM CLI list for target types.
  • normalCredString: Normal Credential to be used.
  • privCredString: Priviledged Credential to be used.

Rollback Listener

Feature Description
Request Method POST


Request Header Authorization: basic <generated credential value>

Content-Type: application/json

"name" : "rollback_listener",
"targetName" : “DB1",
"privCredString": "$PRIV_CRED"
Processing target: blr123.example.com
Checking if target is already running from the current version of the image...
Checking image subscription...
Check image subscription passed.
Checking if target is in non-default location inside the Oracle Home...
Operation 'Rollback Listener' created successfully.
Listener rollback for blr123.example.com can be monitored using
Description of the Input Variables in payload
  • name: Operation name, rollback_listener.
  • description: Description of the operation
  • targetName: Target database name
  • targetType: Refer to EM CLI list for target types.
  • normalCredString: Normal Credential to be used.
  • privCredString: Priviledged Credential to be used.