Migrating the Listeners

If there are listeners running from the database home, use the following verb to migrate them to the parallel Oracle Home. You can use this command to migrate listeners running from Oracle database homes. Listeners running from Grid Infrastructure homes are automatically migrated during the GI update process.


emcli db_software_maintenance -performOperation -name="Update Listener" -purpose=migrate_listener 
-target_type=oracle_database -target_list="DB1" -normal_credential="NC_HOST_CREDS:SYSMAN" 
-privilege_credential="HOST PRIV:SYSMAN" -start_schedule="start_time:yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm"
  • name: This is the unique name of the operation.
  • purpose: MIGRATE_LISTENER.
  • target_type: The type of target on which this operation is being performed. This can be rac_database for RAC and oracle_database for single instance databases.
  • target_list: This is a comma separated list of targets which are to be migrated.
  • normal_credential: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.
  • privilege_credential: This must be entered in the format <Named Credential: Credential Owner> where:
    • <Named Credential>: Named credential for the host where new Oracle home will be deployed.
    • <Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential.


    These credentials are used to run scripts as root.
  • start_schedule: The date on which the stage and deploy is to be started if it is to be started in the future, use format: start_time:yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm. This is an optional parameter. If no date is provided, the fleet operation will start immediately.


For Windows Single Instance database listener migrations use windows_sec_credential="Named Credential: Credential Owner" instead of privilege_credential.
emcli db_software_maintenance -performOperation -name="Update Listener" -purpose=migrate_listener
-target_type=oracle_database -target_list="ORCL1910.abc.sample.com" 
-normal_credential="LOCALADMIN:SYSMAN" -windows_sec_credential="LOCALUSERCRED:SYSMAN"

Sample Output

Processing target "CLUSTER1"...

Checking if target is already running from the current version...

Check Passed.

Checking image subscription...

Check image subscription passed.

You can monitor the patch operation status with the following command:

emcli get_instance_status -exec=25BE102DD7CB544EE053D903C40A784D -details -xml