Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning: Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

This section describes troubleshooting for FPP server and client issues within Enterprise Manager.

General diagnostics and log collection for FPP server and client

Check the status of the FPP server and client
  • GI_HOME/bin/srvctl status rhpserver
    • Try starting the FPP server if the status is stopped
  • GI_HOME/bin/srvctl start rhpserver
    • On failure:
      • Check MGMTDB is running
        • GI_HOME/bin/srvctl status mgmtdb
      • Check MGMTDB Listener is running
        • GI_HOME/bin/srvctl status mgmtlsnr
      • Check RHP disk group is online
        • srvctl status diskgroup –diskgroup <DGNAME>

Check status of FPP Client

  • GI_HOME/bin/srvctl status rhpclient
    • Try starting the FPP client if the status is stopped

FPP Server Side diagnostics

  • tfactl diagcollect -rhp
  • tfactl print repository - For TFA log location

FPP Server Logs location

  • GI_BASE/crsdata/<host>/rhp/rhpserver.log

FPP Client side Diagnostics

  • tfactl diagcollect
  • tfactl print repository: For TFA log location

FPP Client Logs Location

  • GI_BASE/crsdata/<host>/rhp/rhpclient.log

Common Issues with FPP

Issue Reason Diagnostics Workaround
Connection Errors in Deployment Procedure(DP) logs Connection issues between EM and the FPP server or between FPP server and Client

Check if the server and client are up

Check if the server REST API end point is configured correctly in EM by checking server properties

Check for connectivity between server and client

If the server and client are up, run a on-demand sync in EM to make sure REST API end point is updated automatically in EM.

<Link pointing to REST API for on-demand sync job> MISSING

You can update the REST end point manually as well

<Link to REST API for updating server properties>MISSING

DP step fails during sync job Could be a temporary error due to concurrent calls to FPP server N/A Retry the failed step from EM
DP steps fails during a FPP operation This can happen due to various reasons

Check DP logs for the reason and also check server/client logs

Follow the common diagnostics steps mentioned above.

If the job needs to be retried do the following

  1. If the DP step that invokes the operation failed, then a simple retry of the step should re-trigger the call to the FPP server
  2. If the DP step that invokes the operation went through and the next step that polls the FPP for status of the job failed, you can either retry the failed step to resume polling or if you want to retry the failed operation itself, then click on Update and Retry button, and for the parameter called RETRY_OPERATION, specify value as true. This will retry the operation itself.
Failures in the FPP calls from EM The failures could be due to various reasons. If the above have been looked at, and nothing from logs seems to help, you might need more support from the Oracle support Follow the common diagnostics steps mentioned above. N/A