Retrieving a List of Available Gold Images


To format the output of the EM CLI commands listed below, set the emctl property - oracle.sysman.dbprov.gis.emcli.verbs.tableLength to the width of the terminal.

For example:

emctl set property -name oracle.sysman.dbprov.gis.emcli.verbs.tableLength -value 160
When the image has been successfully created, you can get a list of images that are available with the following command:
$ emcli db_software_maintenance -getImages [-columnName=<Comma-separated variable list>]
Image Id Image Name Description 
72D9D7C656A11AB2E053BC3A41  RACS_19.3_RAC_19.3
19.19.0 19CRACS 0A7A43 

Description of the Input Variables:

  • -getImages: Shows a list of images with a Production status. To get a list of Failed or Inactive statuses use: -getImages
  • columnName: Is an optional comma-separated list parameter that can be used to limit the number of columns in the output. Supported values are image_id, image_name, image_version and image_description. For example: -columnName: image_id, image_name

Sample Output

Image Id Image Name Description

Version Platform Name Creation Date Owner Modified By

FE55AD7AB28974EFE04313B2F00AD4A0 19.19.0 RAC DB Gold Image for 112040 RAC DB Homes

19.19.0 Linux x86-64 2023-12-28 13:22:42.0 TESTSUPERADMIN TESTSUPERADMIN

Verb getImages completed successfully

Listing the Versions of an Image

After you have retrieved a list of the available images, you can view a list of versions available for a specific image with the following command:

emcli db_software_maintenance -getVersions -image_id=<image_id>
[-columnName=<column names>]

Description of the Input Variables

  • columnName: It is an optional comma-separated list parameter that can be used to limit the number of columns in the output. Supported values are image_id, image_name, image_version, and image_description.

Sample Output

POSITION                        VERSION ID                      VERSION NAME        STATUS           DATE CREATED 
EXTERNAL ID                     HASHCODE                       
1                               277DF28F2D30393BE053D903C40AC6  CUSTOMER 19180     VERSION ACTIVE   2023-12-22  05:54:45.0  
ORACLE:DEFAULTSERVICE:EM:PROVI  C3448035451:B1400395227         
2                               277E39B74D684C6BE053D903C40A59  CUSTOMER 19190     VERSION CURRENT  2023-12-22 06:14:40.0    
ORACLE:DEFAULTSERVICE:EM:PROVI  C3448035451:B3881579444         

Describing an Image

To view the content (patches/bugs) of an image, run the following EM CLI command. It shows the current version of the given image by default unless a specific version_id is provided.
emcli db_software_maintenance –describeImage –image_id=<Image Id> [-version_id=<version id>] [-bugs=true]

Sample Output

1 35042068 OCW Patch Set Update : 19.19.0 (35042068)
2 34765931 Database Patch Set Update : 19.18.0 (34765931)
3 34419443 Database Patch Set Update : 19.17.0 ( 34419443)