Customizing a Dynamic Patching Deployment Procedure

To customize a dynamically generated deployment procedure, and use it to patch your targets, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Deployment Options page.
  2. In the Customization section, select Specify custom steps to be added to generated patching deployment procedure.

    For each placeholder step in the deployment procedure, you can add three custom steps, a directive step (which enables you to run a directive stored in Software Library), a host command step (which enables you to run a command script on the patch targets), and a manual step (which enables you to provide manual instructions to a user).

  3. Select all the custom steps that you want to add under the placeholder steps, then click Enable.

    To disable an enabled custom step, select the custom step, then click Disable.

  4. Select a custom step that you want to add, then click Edit.

    If the custom step you selected is a directive step, follow the instructions outlined in Adding Steps.

    If the custom step you selected is a host command step, an Edit Custom Step dialog box appears, which enables you to specify the details of a command script that you want to run on the patch targets. For Script, specify the commands that you want to run on the patch targets. For Interpreter, specify the complete path of the interpreter that must be used to execute the specified command script. For Credential Usage, select the credentials that must be used to run the custom host command step. Click OK.

    If the custom step you selected is a manual step, an Edit Custom Step dialog box appears, which enables you to provide manual instructions to the user during the execution of the deployment procedure. For Instructions, specify the instructions for the manual tasks that a user must perform in this custom step. Click OK. The specified instructions are displayed when this custom step of the deployment procedure is executed.

  5. Repeat Step 4 for all the custom steps that you have enabled.