General Statistics

The General Statistics object in Microsoft SQL Server provides counters to monitor general server-wide activity, such as the number of current connections and the number of users connecting and disconnecting per second from computers running an instance of SQL Server. This can be useful when you are working on large online transaction processing (OLTP) systems where many clients connect and disconnect from an instance of SQL Server.

For Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012/2014/2016

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-37 General Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

General Statistics Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name.

General Statistics Counter Value

Performance metric value.

The General Statistics Counter Name key column contains several metrics. The following table provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 2-38 General Statistics Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description


Total number of logins started per second.


Total number of logout operations started per second.

User Connections

Number of user connections. Because each user connection consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user connections could affect throughput. User connections should be set to the maximum expected number of concurrent users.