HADR Status Metrics

The metrics in this category provide details about the HADR and HADR cluster status and configuration.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 3-40 HADR Status Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Database Name monitor element

HADR Connect Status

Text identifier detailing the status of the HADR connection:




HADR Connect Time

The last time the connect status changed (the time it first became congested or disconnected).

HADR Heartbeat

The number of missed heartbeats on the HADR connection. Typically, the higher the value, the worse the condition.

HADR Local Host

The number of missed heartbeats on the HADR connection. Typically, the higher the value, the worse the condition.

HADR Local Service

The number of missed heartbeats on the HADR connection. Typically, the higher the value, the worse the condition.

HADR Primary Log File

The number of missed heartbeats on the HADR connection. Typically, the higher the value, the worse the condition.

HADR Primary Log LSN

The current log position of the primary HADR database. The log sequence number (LSN) is a byte offset in the database log stream.

HADR Primary Log Page

The current page number in the current log file

HADR Remote Host

The remote host name

HADR Remote Instance

The remote HADR instance name

HADR Remote Service

The remote HADR service name


Text identifier detailing the role of the monitored database. Possible values are:




If the role is standard, then ignore all other metrics

HADR Standby Log

The current log file on the standby HADR database.

HADR State

Text identifier detailing the state of HADR. Possible values are:



  • PEER



HADR Sync Mode

Text identifier detailing sync mode. Possible values are:



  • SYNC

HADR Timeout

The number of seconds before the HADR Database Server considers that a communication attempt has failed,