Index Usage

This metric category provides information about index operations.

Default Collection Interval — Every 60 minutes

Table 2-43 Index Usage Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.

Database ID

Database identifier

Table or View Name

Name of the table or view.

Table or View ID

Identifier of the table or view.

Index Name

Name of the index.

User Seeks per second

User Seeks per second.

User Scans per second

User Scans per second

User Lookups per second

User Lookups per second

User Updates per second

User Updates per second

System Seeks per second

System Seeks per second

System Scans per second

System Scans per second

System Lookups per second

System Lookups per second

System Updates per second

System Updates per second

Total Operations per second

Total Operations per second