Discovering and Promoting Oracle Solaris Zones

Discovering and promoting Oracle Solaris Zones relies on the host discovery. When a host on a global zone is promoted, it triggers the discovery and monitoring of the zones.


To take advantage of all supported Oracle Solaris Zone monitoring, the Oracle Solaris release on the global zone must be Oracle Solaris 10 Update 11 or later.

To discover and monitor zone targets, deploy the EM Agent with sudo privileges or manually install and run the script.

When a host is in a zone, you should discover the global zone before you add the virtual server targets. If you see a message stating that there is not a virtual platform associated with this virtual server, discover and add the virtual server's global zone as a managed target.

Oracle Solaris Zones are displayed with the following target display names:

  • Virtualization Platform: <Oracle Solaris Global Zone OS Host Name> (Solaris Zones Virtual Platform)

  • Virtual Server: <Oracle Solaris Zone Name>

You can change the display name of a discovered Oracle Solaris Zone using the CLI. For example, to change a Virtualization Platform display name:

emcli modify_target -name="Virtual Platform Target Name" -type="oracle_si_virtual_platform_map" -display_name="New Display Name"

To change a Virtual Server display name:

emcli modify_target -name="Virtual Server Target Name" -type="oracle_si_virtual_server_map" -display_name="New Display Name"

See Discovering and Adding Host and Non-Host Targets for more about discovery, promotion, and the steps to add a host.