Metric Extensions: Customizing Monitoring

Metric Extensions let you extend Enterprise Manager's monitoring capabilities to cover conditions specific to your IT environment, thus providing you with a complete and comprehensive view of your monitored environment.

Metric extensions allow you to define new metrics on any target type that utilize the same full set of data collection mechanisms used by Oracle provided metrics. For example, some target types you can create metrics on are:

  • Hosts

  • Databases

  • IBM Websphere

  • Oracle Exadata Databases and Storage Servers

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Components

Once these new metrics are defined, they are used like any other Enterprise Manager metric. For more information about metric extensions, see Using Metric Extensions.

User-Defined Metrics (Pre-12c)

If you upgraded your Enterprise Manager 12c site from an older version of Enterprise Manager, then all user-defined metrics defined in the older version will also be migrated to Enterprise Manager 12c. These user-defined metrics will continue to work, however they will no longer be supported a future release. If you have existing user-defined metrics, it is recommended that you migrate them to metric extensions as soon as possible to prevent potential monitoring disruptions in your managed environment. For information about the migration process, see Converting User-defined Metrics to Metric Extensions in Using Metric Extensions