Monitoring Templates

Monitoring Templates simplify the task of standardizing monitoring settings across your enterprise by allowing you to specify your standards for monitoring in a template once and apply them to monitored targets across your organization. This makes it easy for you to apply specific monitoring settings to specific classes of targets throughout your enterprise. For example, you can define one monitoring template for test databases and another monitoring template for production databases.

A monitoring template defines all Enterprise Manager parameters you would normally set to monitor a target, such as:

  • Target type to which the template applies.

  • Metrics (including metric extensions), thresholds, metric collection schedules, and corrective actions.

When a change is made to a template, you can reapply the template across affected targets in order to propagate the new changes. The apply operation can be automated using Administration Groups and Template Collections. For any target, you can preserve custom monitoring settings by specifying metric settings that can never be overwritten by a template.

Enterprise Manager comes with an array of Oracle-certified templates that provide recommended metric settings for various Oracle target types.

For more information about monitoring templates, see Using Monitoring Templates.