PDU Error States

Most of the error states that can happen during test connection or metric collection are caused by PDU or network misconfiguration or unresponsive PDU. These errors can be fixed by user.

If you have completed problem resolution, repeat metric collection as described in Metric Recollection or test connection as described in Discovering and Promoting PDUs.

List of errors in the PDU Error States and Resolution table is not a complete list. New messages may be added or changed in the next releases.

Table 22-2 PDU Error States and Resolutions

Error Message Resolution

PDU Dispatch URL http://pdu.example.com has incorrect format, is empty or is not translatable to IP address. Provide valid Dispatch URL - URL address of PDU web interface.: detailed exception

Check that you provided valid PDU DNS name in PDU discovery.

If you are sure you provided valid DNS name, make sure you have got DNS correctly configured on hosts with monitoring and backup agents.

Cannot communicate with #PDU: PDU is unreachable. PDU Web interface cannot be reached using HTTP or HTTPS. Check if PDU is online (Open address in web browser, try both http:// and https://) and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test).: detailed exception

Check that PDU is up and running as described in PDU Version Identification.

Check your network configuration if PDU is reachable from monitoring agent and backup agent if set.

Cannot communicate with #PDU: pdu.example.com using SNMP. PDU SNMP interface is down or unreachable or SNMP community string is incorrectly configured. Check if PDU is online (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser), check if community string is set correctly in Enterprise Manager and in PDU (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see NMS IPs-Communities table and Trap Hosts Setup IPs-Communities table), check if SNMP is enabled (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see if SNMP is enabled) and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test).

Check that PDU is up as described in PDU Version Identification.

If yes, check if NMS and Trap Hosts Setup tables are correct and SNMP Community string was not changed or SNMPv3 Access table and Trap Hosts Setup table are correct and SNMPv3 credentials were not changed as described in Verify PDU v1 NMS Table and Trap Hosts Setup Table and Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table

Then recollect SNMP Configuration metric as described in Metric Recollection.

If SNMP Community or SNMPv3 credentials were changed in the PDU Management Interface, change it in the Enterprise Manager as well. SNMP credentials changes are described in Metric Collection Error Identification.

Cannot communicate with #PDU: pdu.example.com using SNMP v3

Check that PDU is up as described in PDU Version Identification.

If yes, check if SNMPv3 Access table and Trap Hosts Setup tables are correct and SNMPv3 credentials were not changed as described in Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table

Then recollect SNMP Configuration metric as described in Metric Recollection.

If SNMPv3 credentials were changed in the PDU Management Interface, change it in the Enterprise Manager as well. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials

Cannot identify PDU model of #PDU: pdu.example.com. PDU model is not supported or it not possible to identify PDU model because the PDU is not reachable. Check that PDU is online (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, try both http:// and https://) and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test) or try a different PDU.

Check that PDU is up and running as described in PDU Version Identification.

Check your network configuration if PDU is reachable.

Make sure that IP address od DNS name entered during discovery point to PDU not some different hardware and to supported PDU model as described in PDU Version Identification.

Cannot login to #PDU: pdu.example.com. Wrong credentials. Please provide correct PDU user name and password in Enterprise Manager and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test)

Check that you provided correct HTTP credentials during PDU discovery.

If incident with this message was raised, PDU HTTP credentials were probably changed in the PDU Management Interface. You have to change them in the Enterprise Manager as well. HTTP credentials change is described in Change the HTTP Credentials.

Cannot login to #PDU: pdu.example.com. Another user is already logged in. Cannot proceed till another user is logged out. Ask another user to logout or wait until user is logged out automatically (approximately 30 minutes) and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test).

Another user is logged in to the PDU Management Interface.

If the user who is logged in is you, go to the PDU Management Interface (see Discovering and Promoting PDUs) and click Logout button.

If the user logged in is someone else, you have to wait for automatic logout for approximately 30 minutes.

Unable to find PDU SNMP Community string for #PDU: pdu.example.com. Provide correct community string in Enterprise Manager and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test).

Provide correct SNMP Community string in PDU discovery and repeat discovery.

If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials.

SNMP version 3 is not supported for #PDU: pdu.example.com original (v1). Provide SNMP version 1 credentials in Enterprise Manager and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test).

SNMP V3 credentials are not supported for Original PDU (PDU v1), you have to provide SNMP V1 credentials

Provide correct SNMP Community string in PDU discovery and repeat discovery.

If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials.

Cannot write monitoring EM Agent host IP address to the NMS IPs-Communities table of #PDU: pdu.example.com using PDU web interface. There is already entry with desired agent IP address but with different community string. Remove this entry from table manually using the PDU web interface or change it to have correct community string (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see NMS IPs-Communities table) or provide correct community string in Enterprise Manager and repeat action (SNMP config metric collection, connection test).

Make sure you entered correct SNMP community string during PDU discovery.

Check if NMS table is correct and SNMP Community string was not changed as described in Verify PDU v1 NMS Table and Trap Hosts Setup Table and Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table.

If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials.

Cannot write monitoring EM Agent host IP address to the Trap Hosts Setup IPs-Communities table of #PDU: pdu.example.com using PDU web interface. There is already entry with desired agent IP address but with different community string. Remove this entry from table manually using the PDU web interface or change it to have correct community string (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see Trap Hosts Setup IPs-Communities table) or provide correct community string in Enterprise Manager and repeat action (SNMP config metric collection, connection test).

Make sure you entered correct SNMP community string during PDU discovery.

Check if Trap Hosts Setup table is correct and SNMP Community string was not changed as described in Verify PDU v1 NMS Table and Trap Hosts Setup Table and Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table.

If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials.

Cannot write monitoring EM Agent host IP address to the NMS IPs-Communities table of #PDU: pdu.example.com using PDU web interface. Table is full. Remove some entries from table manually using the PDU web interface (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see NMS IPs-Communities table) and repeat action (SNMP config metric collection, connection test).

Check that there is an empty slot in the NMS table as described in chapters Verify PDU v1 NMS Table and Trap Hosts Setup Table and Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table.

Cannot write monitoring EM Agent host IP address to the Trap Hosts Setup IPs-Communities table of #PDU: pdu.example.com using PDU web interface. Table is full. Remove some entries from table manually using the PDU web interface (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see Trap Hosts Setup IPs-Communities table) and repeat action (SNMP config metric collection, connection test).

Check that there is an empty slot in the Trap Hosts Setup table as described in Verify PDU v1 NMS Table and Trap Hosts Setup Table and Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table.

Cannot write SNMP v3 monitoring credentials to the SNMP v3 Access table of #PDU: pdu.example.com using PDU web interface. There is already entry with desired user name user but with different password or security level. Remove this entry from table manually using the PDU web interface or change it to have correct password and security level (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see SNMP v3 Access table) or provide correct SNMP v3 credentials in Enterprise Manager and repeat action (SNMP config metric collection, connection test). Do not provide privacy password. Privacy is not suported for communication between PDU and EM agent.

Make sure you entered correct SNMPv3 credentials during PDU discovery.

Check if SNMPv3 Access table and Trap Hosts Setup tables are correct and SNMPv3 credentials were not changed as described in Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table.

If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials.

Cannot write SNMP v3 monitoring credentials to the SNMP v3 Access table of #PDU: pdu.example.com using PDU web interface. Table is full. Remove some entries from table manually using the PDU web interface (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see SNMP v3 Access) and repeat action (SNMP config metric collection, connection test). Check if there is an empty row in SNMPv3 Access table as described in Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table.
Cannot write monitoring EM Agent host IP address to the Trap Hosts Setup IPs-Communities table of #PDU: pdu.example.com using PDU web interface. There is already entry with desired agent IP address but with different SNMP v3 user. Remove this entry from table manually using the PDU web interface or change it to have correct SNMP v3 user (Open address {2} in web browser, go to Net Configuration section, login, see Trap Hosts Setup IPs-Communities table) or provide correct SNMP v3 credentials in Enterprise Manager and repeat action (SNMP config metric collection, connection test). Do not provide privacy password. Privacy is not suported for communication between PDU and EM agent.

Make sure you entered correct SNMPv3 credentials during PDU discovery.

Check if SNMPv3 Access table and Trap Hosts Setup table are correct and SNMPv3 credentials were not changed as described in Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table.

If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials.

Too short SNMP Authentication password for #PDU: pdu.example.com. Password must be at least 8 characters long. Provide correct SNMP credentials in Enterprise Manager and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test). If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials. Provide SNMPv3 password at least 8 characters long.
SNMP Credentials for #PDU: pdu.example.com were not provided. Provide correct SNMP credentials in Enterprise Manager and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test). If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials.
You have to provide SNMPv3 authentication password for #PDU: pdu.example.com. Provide SNMP version 3 credentials in Enterprise Manager and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test). If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials.
Do not provide privacy password in SNMP v3 credentials for #PDU: pdu.example.com. Privacy is not suported for communication between PDU and EM agent. Remove privacy password from SNMP version 3 credentials in Enterprise Manager and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test). If incident with this message was raised, you have to change SNMP monitoring credentials in the Enterprise Manager. SNMP credentials change is described in Changing the SNMP Credentials. Remove privacy password from SNMP version 3 credentials.
#PDU: pdu.example.com reports it has zero modules or phases. PDU web interface does not work correctly. Please restart PDU web interface. Refer to Sun Rack II Power Distribution Units User''s Guide for how to (depending on PDU version, PDU can be restarted using dedicated hardware button or from PDU web interface https://pdu.example.com). Try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test) after restart. Follow error message text.
You have specified wrong SNMP MIB version to be used to monitor #PDU: pdu.example.com. Please enter 'Enhanced' or 'Original'. You entered something. Follow error message text.

Exception during lookup for IP address of network interface on EM Agent host through which is #PDU: pdu.example.com with address #PDU: pdu.example.com reachable. PDU is not reachable from Agent host.

Exception during lookup for IP addresses of network interfaces on EM Agent host through which #PDU: pdu.example.com could be reachable.

#PDU: pdu.example.com with address is not reachable through any network interface on EM Agent host. Select another agent or try to resolve issues causing that PDU is not reachable.

Check that PDU is up and running as described in PDU Version Identification.

Check your network configuration if PDU is reachable.

#PDU: pdu.example.com: Problem description. You probably tried to access unsupported PDU hardware not a supported PDU.

Check that PDU is up and running as described in PDU Version Identification.

Check your network configuration if PDU is reachable.

Make sure that IP address od DNS name entered during discovery point to PDU not some different hardware and to supported PDU model as described in PDU Version Identification.

Unsupported model of #PDU: pdu.example.com. Only PDU with maximum count of 4 modules is supported. Detected count of modules: 5

Check that PDU is up and running as described in PDU Version Identification.

Check your network configuration if PDU is reachable.

Make sure that IP address od DNS name entered during discovery point to PDU not some different hardware and to supported PDU model as described in PDU Version Identification.

PDU does not respond. It is overloaded or offline. Cannot get/find something. Check if PDU is online (Open address https://pdu.example.com in web browser) and try to repeat action (metric collection, connection test).

Check that PDU is up and running as described in chapter PDU Version Identification.

Check your network configuration if PDU is reachable.

Make sure that IP address od DNS name entered during discovery point to PDU not some different hardware and to supported PDU model as described in PDU Version Identification.