Scale Up Cluster

  1. Select a cluster and Database Domains

    Select a Database Machine target and once on the Database Machine Home Page, select Database Machine, then select Provisioning , then click Scale Up Cluster.

    Select the Cluster to extend, then select Database Domains on which to create a new DB zone.

    This image shows your cluster selection and the location of your virtual machine.
  2. Provide the required credentials.

    Provide root credentials for Database Domains.

    Provide Solaris zone Host credentials for the Oracle Home (oracle user).

    Provide Solaris zone host root credentials.

    Provide Cluster ASM credentials (user sys, role sysdba).

    Provide Cluster Database Credential (user sys, role sysdba).

    This image shows what root credential was specified for each database domain host and any zone credentials that are required.
  3. Verify the info of the Virtual Machines Definition
    No input to provide here, values are taken from DB zones already in the cluster.This image shows more details on the virtual machine definition.
  4. Define the Network

    Network Domains and Subnet masks are pre-populated.

    Provide Gateway IP addresses for Admin and Client Networks.

    Provide IP addresses and hostnames for each network (admin network, client network, Virtual IP on client network, private network).

    This image shows the IP address, name, and credentials for the Admin, Client, and Private networks.
  5. Deployment schedule
    Schedule the Deployment, by default started immediately:This image shows the deployment details and schedule.