Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) Known Installation Issues

This section covers issues related to installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 5.

Setting UDP and TCP Kernel Parameters Manually

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c has specific Solaris Kernel requirements for the TCP/IP ephemeral port range. This range is configured using the NDD. Ensure that the lower range is set to at least 11000 or higher, to avoid ports used by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c. The highest range must also be set maximum to 65000. If the lower value of the range you have is greater than 11000, or the upper range is greater than 65000, then these values must be changed.

Use the following commands to check your current range for ephemeral ports:

On Oracle Solaris 11, use the following ipadm command:

# ipadm show-prop -p smallest_anon_port,largest_anon_port tcp
tcp   smallest_anon_port rw   11000       --     11000   1024-65535
tcp   largest_anon_port  rw   65000       --     65000   32768-65535

In the preceding examples, the ephemeral ports are set to the default range to the minimum requirements for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.

If these values are not set correctly, update the UDP and TCP ephemeral port range, For example:

On Oracle Solaris 11

# ipadm set-prop -p smallest_anon_port=11000 tcp
# ipadm set-prop -p largest_anon_port=65000 tcp
# ipadm set-prop -p smallest_anon_port=11000 udp
# ipadm set-prop -p largest_anon_port=65000 udp

Oracle recommends that you make these settings permanent. Refer to your system administration documentation for information on how to automate this ephemeral port range alteration on system restarts.

(Bug 22242417)

ldmpower Fails to Return Expected Results on T7/M7/S7/T8/M8 based Systems

PM is disabled by default at the LDoms layer on T7/M7/S7/T8/M8 based systems with S11.3, SRU 29, and later. For these systems Enterprise Manager Cloud Control does not monitor power consumption on Oracle VM Server for SPARC.

While deploying EM agent on such systems, the prerequisite check shows a warning Enterprise Manager will not monitor Oracle VM Server for SPARC Power consumption. This does not affect the agent deployment process and the monitoring for the rest of the Oracle VM Server metrics.

(Bug 28561189)