API Overview

The REST API for Oracle Enterprise Manager provides REST endpoints that let you manage core framework subsystems.

REST API Change Log

REST API Enterprise Manager Release Version
  • Lifecycle Maintenance History REST API:

    Support for viewing and exporting database update and upgrade patching history in Fleet Maintenance :

    • Get Lifecycle Maintenance History
    • Export Lifecycle Maintenance History
    • The data retention policy for your environment dictates how far back Fleet Maintenance can show update and upgrade history.
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 21 (
  • Fleet Maintenance REST API: Get Image Version API displays the release version number it is based on.
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 20 (
  • Fleet maintenance REST API:

    Support for SAN Storage:

    • Create Image (by importing the image bundle from SAN storage)
    • Export Image
    • Perform Operation ? New field externalStageLocation available in the deploy request payload to specify the SAN storage location for image archives

    Support to Create Image Version in FPP Server:

    • from reference Oracle Home patching
    • by deploying new reference Oracle Home patching
    • from existing version by deploying new reference Oracle Home patching
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 19 (
  • Credentials Management- Support to create and manage Monitoring Credential and Preferred Credential
  • Target Type- Support to create, list, modify, delete, provide more details of, and search for the credential sets for the target type
  • Fleet maintenance- Create Gold Image Version, support of reportOnly option for Rollback DB, imageType & creationType inputs replaced with storageDestination in Version creation request payload, support for IS_REDEPLOY flag in Deploy Operation REST API
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 18 (
  • Metrics (new query parameter for metricTimeSeries)
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 17 (
  • ZDLRA Management
  • Database Maintenance- Updates (Patching) and Upgrades
  • Database Maintenance- Using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (FPP)
  • Deployment Procedures (now track and manage Database Maintenance activities)
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 15 (
  • Credentials Management
  • Deployment Procedure
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 14 (
  • Targets (now includes CRUD)
  • Global Target Properties
  • Target Types
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 13 (
  • User Management
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 9 (
  • Incidents and Events
  • Metrics
  • Target
Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 7 (
INITIAL RELEASE Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 7 (


  • An Association is a relationship between two targets. For example, if a host target uses and depends on a web server target, an association should be created between the web server and the host.

  • An Event is a significant occurrence on a managed target that typically indicates something has occurred outside normal operating conditions in an environment managed by Enterprise Manager. For example, events are raised when a target is detected to be down or when its performance metrics cross specified thresholds. For more details on events, refer to the Administering Cloud Control.

  • Groups are an efficient way to organize, manage, and query the targets in your environment. There are two types of groups: static groups and dynamic groups. Static groups contain a fixed list of targets managed by the user and dynamic groups have their list calculated dynamically based upon filters the user provides.

  • An Incident is a significant event or set of related significant events that need to be managed because it can potentially impact your business applications. These incidents typically need to be tracked, assigned to appropriate personnel, and resolved as quickly as possible. You perform these incident management operations through Incident Manager. For more details on incidents, refer to the Administering Cloud Control.

  • Metrics are how you evaluate your targets. Metrics are separated into two main categories: configuration metrics and performance metrics. Configuration metrics represent slowly changing data about a target such as the host operating system version. Performance metrics represent dynamic data about a target which may change rapidly such as the host CPU Utilization (%).

  • A Target represents a monitored resource such as a database, a host, or an application server. Enterprise Manager collects configuration, availability, and performance metrics for each target and defines associations between different targets to represent their relationships.

  • A Target Type describes the characteristics of the monitored resource.