Update or create properties of a target



Update the properties of the target identified by the given id


Path Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Payload to create or update target properties
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Nested Schema : properties
Type: array
the target properties to set
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        "name":"Operating System",
Nested Schema : TargetPropertySummary
Type: object
A target property describes a property of a target by id, name, display name and the value
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


400 Response

in the case of a processing error like unsupported property given etc.
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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401 Response

client is not authenticated
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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404 Response

target not found or not authorized
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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500 Response

internal error serving the request
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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503 Response

indicates that a required service is not available.
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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