Get target properties



This API returns the target properties of the target identified by the given id. Clients can optionally query for details of a specific set of properties by giving their names or ids. No error is reported if an unsupported property is given.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • the id of the property
  • Minimum Value: 1
    Maximum Value: 2000
    to limit the number of rows returned. If the result set is greater follow the previous and next links in the results.
  • the name of the property
  • system generated page token used in the self, next and previous links.
  • The sort field and direction. Allowed sort fields are name and id. Allowed directions are DESC and ASC

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : TargetPropertyCollection
Type: object
This is the representation of list of target references.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
the target references
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Nested Schema : TargetPropertySummary
Type: object
A target property describes a property of a target by id, name, display name and the value
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401 Response

client is not authenticated
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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404 Response

target not found or not authorized
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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500 Response

internal error serving the request
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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503 Response

indicates that a required service is not available.
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
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