List of annotations for the incident



Returns a list of annotations for the incident with the most recent ones listed first by default.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Limits number of items returned in current call. Use the self/previous/next links from the response to fetch additional items.
    Default Value: 50
  • Identifies the set of items to be fetched; "href" element from "links" list of the response provides encoded value for this parameter. "href" element value should be used "as is" for fetching respective set of items.
    Default Value: Base64 encode value of 0 i.e MA==
  • Sort results by supported resource attributes such as id, message, type, timeCreated and createdBy

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation - Fetch all the related annotations to the incident
Body ()
Root Schema : AnnotationCollection
Type: object
List of annotations
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
List of the annotation summary
Show Source
Nested Schema : AnnotationSummary
Type: object
Details of an annotation
Show Source
  • Read Only: true
    Creator of the annotation - User or SYSTEM
    Example: SYSMAN
  • Read Only: true
    Unique identifier of the annotation in context of the current object
    Example: 131
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Text for the annotation
    Example: Suppression removed as the underlying issue resolved
  • Read Only: true
    Time when the annotation is created
    Example: 2021-07-21T06:25:43.000Z
  • Allowed Values: [ "USER_COMMENT", "NOTIFICATION", "SYSTEM" ]
    Annotation type
    Example: USER_COMMENT

400 Response

Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
Show Source

401 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
Show Source

404 Response

Not Found
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
Show Source

500 Response

Internal Server Error
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
Show Source

503 Response

Service Unavailable
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponse
Type: object
Error response
Show Source
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