Search for monitoring credentials



Searches for matching monitoring credentials based on the filters provided in the request payload.


Query Parameters
  • whether total number of results shall be returned.
  • Minimum Value: 1
    Maximum Value: 2000
    Number of Monitoring credentials to be fetched
    Default Value: 20
  • system generated page token used in the self, next and previous links.
  • the order of the result set with direction. Allowed sort fields are targetTypeName, setName. Allowed directions are ASC and DESC. To sort more than one field, provide comma separated values like field1:direction1,field2:direction2
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Schema object to hold Monitoring Credential search payload
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Nested Schema : setName
Type: array
credential set name
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Nested Schema : setNameContains
Type: array
Preferred credential set name pattern to be filtered. Case sensitive.
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Nested Schema : targetName
Type: array
target name of monitoring credential
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Nested Schema : targetNameContains
Type: array
Monitoring credetnail target name to be filtered
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Nested Schema : targetTypeName
Type: array
targetType of monitoring credential
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Nested Schema : targetTypeNameContains
Type: array
target type name to be filtered
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

List of monitoring credentials returned successfully
Body ()
Root Schema : MonitoringCredentialCollection
Type: object
This is the representation of list of monitoring credentials.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
the Preferred credentials list
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Nested Schema : MonitoringCredential
Type: object
A monitoring credential is used to describe which credential set and attributes is used to access a target.
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Nested Schema : attributes
Type: array
Additional Properties Allowed
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the attributes of the credential
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Nested Schema : NameValuePair
Type: object
A pair of name and value.
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