F Add a New Security Certificate

Enterprise Manager OMS Console, OMS Upload, and Agent can be secured with wildcard SSL and SAN certificates.

To learn how to add and configure security certificates, see:

EM 13c, 12c: How to Configure the Enterprise Manager Management Service (OMS) with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificates (Doc ID 2202569.1)

EM 13c, 12c: How to Configure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Management Agent for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificates (Doc ID 2213661.1)

The steps for using wildcard certificates, wallet creation, and securing OMS and Agents are all the same.


While securing OMS with wildcard certificates, ensure that all the Agents are using the latest version.

When raising CSR, specify the wildcard character: (*.SUBDOMAIN.DOMAINNAME).

Agents below version 13.4 will not be able to communicate to 13.4 OMS secured with wildcard certificates.

SAN certificates cannot be created using orapki command.

A wallet with SAN certificate can be created using openssl or other utilities ,that can be used to secure OMS or Agent .

Weblogic in EM setup cannot be secured with wildcard and SAN certificate.