Configuring Third Party CA Certificates for Communication With Target Databases

You must set the following set of properties at the OMS server and Agent for secure target monitoring. Bounce the OMS and the agent to bring the changes into effect.


For more information about emctl, see "Using emctl partool Utility" in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide. .

Properties to be Set at the OMS Server:

  • #Client authority

    • emctl set property -name em.targetauth.db.pki.KeyStore -value <…wallet..>

    • emctl set property -name em.targetauth.db.pki.KeyStorePassword -value <…>

    • emctl set property -name em.targetauth.db.pki.KeyStoreType -value <..>

  • #Server authority

    • emctl set property -name em.targetauth.db.pki.TrustStorePassword -value <…>

    • emctl set property -name em.targetauth.db.pki.TrustStoreType -value <..>

    • emctl set property -name em.targetauth.db.pki.TrustStore -value <…wallet..>

Properties to be set at the Agent residing on the target database host:

  • #Client authority

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionKeyStoreLocation -value <…wallet..>

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionKeyStoreType -value <..>

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionKeyStorePassword -value <..>

  • #Server authority

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionTrustStoreLocation -value <…wallet..>

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionTrustStoreType -value <..>

    • emctl setproperty agent -name connectionTrustStorePassword -value <..>