User Requiring Accessing AWR/ADDM

  1. On a DB Target host log in as sysdba and create an <awr_admin> user and grant appropriate privileges:
    SQL> create user <awr_admin> identified by <password>; 
    SQL> grant select any dictionary to <awr_admin>; 
    SQL> grant create session to <awr_admin>; 
    SQL> grant execute on dbms_workload_repository to <awr_admin>;
  2. Log in to the Cloud Control console as <gc_user> user, which is JANEMURRY in our example:

    TARGETS > DATABASE > ORADB > Related Links: Advisor Central

    Enter login and password for the <awr_admin> user.

  3. Then to generate the AWR/ADDM report:

    ADDM > OK