
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control now offers advanced management and monitoring of Engineered Systems through the following packs:

  • Exadata Management Pack provides advanced monitoring, management, and diagnostics features for hybrid Exadata fleets spanning on-premises, Cloud@Customer, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and Multicloud, as well as the databases running on these systems.

  • Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance Management Pack provides advanced features for managing database fleet backup to one or more Recovery Appliances, and for monitoring and managing a fleet of Recovery Appliances.

Note that some of the features are common to both packs.

This book describes how you can set up and use these packs in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to access rich UI and EMCLI management and monitoring features for the respective Engineered Systems. With these packs, you can access the following functionality:

  • Rich, multi-tiered dashboards to analyze Exadata and Recovery Appliance capacity, inventory and performance.
  • Comprehensive UI console and tooling to monitor and administer Autonomous Health Framework across an Exadata and Recovery Appliance fleet.
  • UI tooling and reports to analyze database CPU usage within an Exadata system.
  • UI components to visualize the database topology and inventory for an Exadata Cloud system.
  • UI components to visualize the Exascale storage configuration for an Oracle Exadata Database Machine.
  • UI and EMCLI workflows to streamline configuration and management of database fleet backup to multiple Recovery Appliances, including advanced backup topologies.
  • UI workflow to manage database fleet archival backups from Recovery Appliance to the tape.

In the context of this book, Engineered Systems can include one or more of Oracle Exadata Database Machine, Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance, and Exadata Cloud which includes Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure and Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.


This guide is intended for Exadata and Recovery Appliance administrators, and also for database administrators responsible for managing database backups to Recovery Appliance destinations.

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Related Resources

The information about discovery of the Engineered Systems and their monitoring are available here:


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