Discover the Cloud Target Using emcli

Perform the following steps to discover the cloud target using emcli. Specify the hosts of the dependent targets in the properties file to automatically detect them and associate them with the cloud target.

This discovery procedure will also discover the storage server cells associated with the Exadata Cloud Service target using the given credentials set. After the discovery is complete, you can monitor all the cloud targets through a single control pane.

Before you begin, verify that you added the Enterprise Manager Agent to all the VM Guests and discovered the cluster database, database instances and cluster ASM.

  1. First, create a property file, for example exacc_fin.txt as shown in the example:

    In the above example,

    • configMap.targetName: Name of the target that you want to create
    • configMap.region: The cloud region where the target is created
    • configMap.tenancy: The tenancy where the cloud target is created
    • configMap.serviceType: Specify ExaCC if the service type is Gen1 Exadata Cloud, or ExaCS if the service type is Gen2 Exadata Cloud - Exadata Infrastructure
    • configMap.monitorAgentUrl.0: The URL of the agent which will be used to monitor the new target. You can obtain this from the agent home page or run the following command to get the agent URL:

      emcli status agent

    • credMap.cellCredSet: The credential set that you created earlier, which is used to discover the storage servers in the new cloud target. This must be a named credential of the type ExaCLI or RESTful API. In the above example, SYSMAN is the owner of the credential and EXADATA_CRED is the name of the credential.

      To obtain the credential set information, click the setup icon Setup icon > click Security > select Named Credentials. The Named Credentials page is displayed. Collect the required information about the credential set in this page. See Create Storage Server Credentials.

    • The host names on which the databases that must be associated with the new cloud target, are run. Specify all the host names for the discovery to complete successfully. Here, x is the host name number which should start with 0, and must be incremented by 1 for every additonal host name added to the file.
  2. Run the following emcli command by specifying the property file in the form of data <property_file>:
    emcli submit_procedure -name=ExaCloudServiceDiscovery -input_file=data:<property_file> -notification="scheduled, action required, running" ;
    Here's an example output after the command is executed by using the example property file exacc_fin.txt:
    $ emcli submit_procedure -name=ExaCloudServiceDiscovery -input_file=data:exacc_fin.txt -notification="scheduled, action required, running" ;
    Schedule not specified, defaults to immediate.
    Deployment procedure submitted successfully
  3. You can view the status of the discovery in the Procedure Activity page. Go to Enterprise Manager Home page > click the Enterprise icon Enterprise icon > click Provisioning and Patching. The following Procedure Activity page is displayed:

    The discovery status of the exadata cloud target

After the discovery is complete, explore the cloud target homepage, the topology view, and the navigation tree. See Explore the Cloud Target Home Page.