Deploy JVM Agents in the Environment

Java Virtual Machine Diagnostics (JVMD) is one of the critical functionalities in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control that enables administrators to diagnose performance problems in Java applications in the production environment. By eliminating the need to reproduce problems, it reduces the time required to resolve these problems.

The JVMD Agent is deployed on the targeted JVM (the one running a production WebLogic Server or other app server). It collects real-time data and transmits it to the JVM Diagnostics Engine. This data is stored in the Management Repository, and the collected information is displayed on Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console for monitoring purposes. The communication between the JVMD Engine (a built-in component of the Oracle Management Services) and the JVMD Agent can be a secure (SSL) or non-secure connection.

To Deploy JVMD Agent on a WebLogic domain, select the "Setup JVMD Agent" option from the Diagnostics sub menu in the Domain menu. To Deploy JVMD agent on other JVMs, download the agnet from the Application Performance Management page that is accessible from within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console.

For more details on deploying JVMD agents, see Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.