Discovering Service Bus Deployed to WLS Monitored by Enterprise Manager

To discover Service Bus deployed to Oracle WebLogic Managed Server that is already being monitored in Cloud Control, refresh the membership of the Oracle WebLogic Domain to which the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server belongs. This will automatically discover the Service Bus that is deployed to it.

To refresh the membership of the Oracle WebLogic Domain to which the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server belongs, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.
  2. On the Middleware page, select the Oracle WebLogic Domain target from the list of Middleware targets being monitored.
  3. On the Oracle WebLogic Domain Home page, in the General section, click Refresh Domain. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control displays the membership page that lists the Service Bus that is currently not being monitored. Click OK.

    Enterprise Manager Cloud Control refreshes the membership and returns to the Oracle WebLogic Domain Home page.


    On the Oracle WebLogic Domain Home page, in the Status section, the legend of the status pie chart may not show an increased count to indicate the newly added Service Bus target. This is an expected behavior because Enterprise Manager Cloud Control takes a few seconds to reflect the membership details in this section.

  4. Click the Members tab and verify whether the Service Bus has been added.