2 Configuring the Sybase ASE Server for Monitoring

This topic describes how to configure Sybase ASE server target configure the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) target to be monitored by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

To monitor the Sybase ASE target using Enterprise Manager, the Sybase ASE user must have the role mon_role. In addition to mon_role permissions, the monitoring user must also have Select permissions to access the following sys tables:

  • syslisteners

  • sysloginroles

  • syssrvroles

The following commands will grant Select permission to the monitoring user:

grant select on syslisteners to public
grant select on sysloginroles to public
grant select on syssrvroles (name, srid) to public

The above steps will give Select permission to all existing users in the database. To grant Select permission to only the monitoring user, referred to as monuser below, run the following commands. To execute these commands, the user must have sa_role permissions.

  1. Create a group.

    sp_addgroup OracleEMGroup
  2. Add the user monuser to the group.

    sp_adduser monuser, null, OracleEMGroup
  3. Grant Select permission on the tables to OracleEMGroup.

    grant select on syslisteners to OracleEMGroup
    grant select on sysloginroles to OracleEMGroup
    grant select on syssrvroles (name, srid) to OracleEMGroup