Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
Jun 24, 2024


Unable to use string string as the root of the generated default name because the length exceeds number characters.


The 'acfsutil volsnap' command could not continue because the generated default name using the indicated string was too long. This generated name is used to create the underlying read-only volume snapshot that supports the requested operation. The default name is generated using the parent volume name and the current time: <parent_vol>_YYMMDDHHMMSS.


This situation must be addressed by two steps: 1.) Create a read-only snapshot of the file system or volume using 'acfsutil volsnap create' with the -n option to indicate the read-only volume snapshot name. 2.) Reissue the original failing command with the newly created read-only volume snapshot as the target instead of the file system or volume name.