Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


snapshot creation is blocked while ACFS replication is updating the standby storage location


An attempt to create a snapshot could not complete immediately because the replication standby storage location (Oracle ACFS file system or snapshot) was currently being updated by ACFS replication.


If the command has completed in the meantime, no action is required. Otherwise, if no action is taken, snapshot creation will be retried periodically and will complete once the ACFS replication update has completed. To complete the snapshot creation immediately, interrupt the replication update and reissue the command. Terminiate the 'acfsutil snap create', run 'acfsutil repl pause' on the replication primary to pause the update, and then reissue 'acfsutil snap create'. Finally, run 'acfsutil repl resume' on the primary to resume the replication update.