Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


The file system on volume string is currently in the string state. This state indicates that a file system check is currently in progress.


There are two possible causes:

  1. The file system on this volume was being checked on this system or another system in the cluster.
  2. The ACFS Checker/Fixer was unexpectedly terminated leaving the file system state incorrectly set.


Verify that the file system is not being checked on any node. There are a two possible options if the file system is not being checked on any node:

  1. Respond Y(yes) when prompted to run the ACFS Checker/Fixer.
  2. Run the ACFS Fixer with the [f] option to reset the file system state to allow the file system to be mounted. NOTE: Use caution with this option as file system repairs from a previous run of the ACFS Checker/Fixer may be incomplete.