Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


snapshot marked for delete: string (identifier: number) was still present


File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message. A snapshot was marked for delete, but did not get deleted due to open files in the snapshot. There are two possible causes why the snapshot was not deleted.

  1. The volume went offline while there were still open files in the snapshot.
  2. The system was unexpectedly shutdown while there were still open files in the snapshot.


If the message was generated by the ACFS Fixer, then no further action is needed. The ACFS Fixer has resolved the problem. If the message was generated by the ACFS Checker, then run the Fixer to resolve the problem. Frequent metadata inconsistencies may point to internal errors. In this case, contact Oracle Support Services.