Cannot perform encryption operation because an encryption undo operation is in progress.
The encryption operation failed because the system administrator was running encryption undo ('acfsutil encr set -u') on the file system. It is also possible that a previous encryption undo operation had not completed cleanly.
There is no action to be taken by users who are not system administrators. If this message is seen by a system administrator and an encryption undo operation is not in progress, then a previous encryption operation did not complete properly. Run the 'acfsutil encr set -u' command again to complete the operation.
Cannot perform encryption operation because an encryption undo operation is in progress.
The encryption operation failed because the system administrator was running encryption undo ('acfsutil encr set -u') on the file system. It is also possible that a previous encryption undo operation had not completed cleanly.
There is no action to be taken by users who are not system administrators. If this message is seen by a system administrator and an encryption undo operation is not in progress, then a previous encryption operation did not complete properly. Run the 'acfsutil encr set -u' command again to complete the operation.
Cannot perform encryption operation because an encryption undo operation is in progress.
The encryption operation failed because the system administrator was running encryption undo ('acfsutil encr set -u') on the file system. It is also possible that a previous encryption undo operation had not completed cleanly.
There is no action to be taken by users who are not system administrators. If this message is seen by a system administrator and an encryption undo operation is not in progress, then a previous encryption operation did not complete properly. Run the 'acfsutil encr set -u' command again to complete the operation.