Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


Failure number with Cluster Synchronization Services while deleting voting disk.


An attempt to delete a voting disk failed. The number following "Failed" is a return code, which can be: 1 - internal OCSSD server error; 8 - rejected by OCSSD; 15- insufficient privileges for this operation; 16- either the specified voting disk does not exist or you tried to delete the last remaining voting disk; 19- version incompatibility between client and server.


Respond based on the return code as follows: 15 - adjust privileges or use a different userid; 16 - review the voting disk configuration displayed by 'crsctl query css votedisk' and correct your request accordingly; 19 - ensure that compatible versions are installed; others - report to Oracle Support Services.