Database Error Messages


Grid Plug and Play (GPnP) daemon or GPnP tool failed to export the GPnP wallets from credential storage to file system 'string'.


The reason for this issue was one of the following:

  • GPnP lock file <ORACLE_BASE>/crsdata/HOST/gpnp/fswallet.lck was missing.
  • An Internal error occured.


(a) If GPnP lock file <ORACLE_BASE>/crsdata/HOST/gpnp/fswallet.lck is missing, then:

  • An external process deleted the GPnP lock file.
  • Stop Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack, create the GPnP lock file and start Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack will export the GPnP wallets from credential storage to file system.

(b) If GPnP lock file is not missing, then Contact Oracle Support Services for internal errors.