Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


failed to establish bootstrap connection with node 'string'


The reason this issue is one of the following:

  1. All the private interconnects are down either on the local node or on the remote node.
  2. The bootstrap process on the remote node is not running.
  3. The process on the remote node was hung.
  4. The network has issues.
  5. There are multicast issues either on the local node or on the remote node.


  1. Check the status of the private interconnects on both nodes.
  2. Check if the process on the remote node is running.
  3. Check if the Oracle Grid Interprocess Communication (GIPC) high availability threads of the remote process are running.
  4. Execute the cluvfy binary and check the transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol (TCP/UDP) connectivity between the local node and the remote node.
  5. Execute the cluvfy binary on the local node and check the multicast functionality between the local node and the remote node.