Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


The 'worker thread' of the process 'string' with PID 'number' has been non-responsive for 'number' milliseconds.


The reason for this issue is one of the following:

  • The 'worker thread' is not scheduled by the operating system in a timely manner.
  • The 'worker thread' Oracle Grid Interprocess Communication (GIPC) is hung.
  • Firewall configuration is preventing the nodes from communicating with each other.


(a) Check if the 'worker thread' of the process is hung. (b) Reduce the load on the system or add a new node to the existing cluster, if the system is heavily loaded. (c) Execute the cluvfy binary on the local node and check the transmission control protocol or user datagram protocol (TCP or UDP) connectivity between the local node and the remote node. Check the trace route for the interfaces configured.