Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


Cannot start or resume the attempt_transaction_type transaction (attempt_transaction_id) due to existing exist_transaction_type transaction (exist_transaction_id)
  • attempt_transaction_type: Type of the transaction that failed to start or resume. It can be "resumable" or "global".
  • attempt_transaction_id: Identifier of the transaction that failed to start or resume. See additional information.
  • exist_transaction_type: The type of the transaction to which the session is attached. It can be "local", "resumable" or "global".
  • exist_transaction_id: Identifier of the transaction to which the current session has attached. See additional information.


An attempt to start or resume the transaction failed because the session is currently attached to an existing transaction.


Process these steps:

  1. Detach the transaction from the current session:
  2. For a local transaction, commit or rollback the transaction.
  3. For a resumable transaction, commit, rollback or suspend the transaction.
  4. For a global transaction, end the transaction.
  5. Retry starting or resuming the desired transaction.

Additional Information

A local transaction is identified by its local transaction ID, which is composed of three decimal numbers separated by dots. For example, 3.17.1954.

A resumable transaction is identified by its global transaction identifier (GTRID) string. For example, abc.

A global transaction is identified by the set (Format ID, GTRID, and Branch Qualifier). Format ID is decimal; GTRID and Branch Qualifier are string. For example, (1234, abc, branch1).