Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


setvbuf() failed.


The function setvbuf() returned an error condition.

When calling lfiext, an extension is not found in list

An internal error has occurred that cause pop's tail to be NULL.

An unexpected switch to default has occurred.

A call to sltbev() had failed.

Invalid parameter has been passed into an internal function.

The function lfiostd() was called with an invalid File ID Descriptor. The valid File ID Descriptors are LFISTDIN_INDEX, LFISTDOUT_INDEX, and LFISTDERR_INDEX.

A call to lfillmem() had failed.

A call to lficstd() had failed.


Contact the development organization.

Contact the development organization.

000002, "lfipmkp's pop's tail is NULL"

Contact the development organization.

000003, "Unexpected switch case in %s"

Contact the development organization.

000004, "sltbev() call failed"

Contact the development organization.

000005, "Invalid parameter in internal function %s"

Contact the development organization. 00006, "Invalid Standard File ID Descriptor"

Check the call to lfiostd() to make sure it is correct.

00007, "List element not found"

Contact development service

00008, "lficstd failed when calling lfibfr()"

Contact development service