Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


Entrust Login Failed


An application failed to log in to an Entrust Profile. Possible causes include:

  1. Entrust Admin/Authority was not online.
  2. Invalid password for Entrust profile was specified.
  3. Invalid path to Entrust profile was specified
  4. Invalid Entrust initialization file was specified.
  5. Entrust Server Login program was not executed (server-side only).


Make sure that:

  1. Entrust Authority is online;
  2. Password for Entrust profile is specified correctly;
  3. Path to Entrust profile is specified correctly;
  4. A valid Entrust initialization file is provided;
  5. Entrust Server Login program is run before the database startup.

For more information, enable tracing and examine the trace output to get exact the Entrust failure codes.