Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


cannot apply the OLS policy using the specified value for the label function


The Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy could not be applied on the table since there were errors during the creation of DML triggers using the specified label function. The OLS DML triggers are an integral part of how OLS functions are used with an OLS policy.


Review the Oracle Database documentation for label functions and the PL/SQL command SA_POLICY_ADMIN.APPLY_TABLE_POLICY or SA_POLICY_ADMIN.APPLY_SCHEMA_POLICY. Ensure the following:

  • The specified label function value is a valid expression.
  • The label function does not have any compilation errors.
  • Ensure the EXECUTE privilege on the label function is granted to LBAC_TRIGGER.