Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


invalid rasterDataTable specification: string


The raster data table (RDT) name specified for a GeoRaster object was invalid because of one of the following reasons:

  • RDT name was not a simple SQL name or was longer than 128 bytes.
  • RDT name was not unique among RDT names in the database.
  • RDT did not exist or was not visible from the current schema.
  • RDT was not defined in the same schema as the GeoRaster object table.
  • RDT was not an object table of SDO_RASTER type or a relational table with the same columns as the attributes of the SDO_RASTER type.


Check the rasterDataTable specification and ensure that all relevant raster data table requirements are met.