Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


one or more members could not be reached for a remove operation


One or more members could not be reached for either a DGMGRL CLI REMOVE DATABASE, REMOVE FAR_SYNC or a REMOVE CONFIGURATION command.


This typically indicates a network problem where the member is unable to respond to the primary database. If this is the case, examine the primary database Oracle Data Guard broker log file to determine which members cannot be reached. For each member not reached, connect to that member and shut down the broker by setting the DG_BROKER_START initialization parameter to 'false'. After the broker has been shut down for the member, locate the Oracle Data Guard broker configuration files from the member's DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE[1|2] initialization parameter values and delete them. Then, restart the broker by setting DG_BROKER_START to 'true'.