Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
Jun 24, 2024


Database release database_version.database_release is unable to read the dump file created by release data_pump_version.
  • database_version: The version number of the database in use.
  • database_release: The release number of the database in use.
  • data_pump_version: The version number of the dump file.


A dump file was specified for an Oracle Data Pump Import operation. The version number for that file is incompatible with the dump file version of the Oracle Data Pump product currently running. Usually this message indicates that the dump file was produced by a newer version of the Oracle Data Pump Export utility.


Import the dump file using Oracle Data Pump Import utility with the same version as the Oracle Data Pump Export which created the file, or repeat the export using the VERSION parameter set to the release into which you want to import.